Friday, February 29, 2008
The Worst Economy Since the Great Depression? Think again. . . . . .
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Obama - All Hat, No Cattle
How to beat Obama here.
Lest We Forget. . . . . .
Here is an article Mr. Bendient wrote a while back, but it's worth being reminded of the budget mess the State of Michigan finds itself in.
Remember this when you vote in next November's elections. This is important stuff!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Time To Go?
The New York Times is at the same level as "The Star" and "The National Enquirer". The only difference is those papers do not pretend to be serious news sources. The times is a joke - or better described as "fish wrap".
Extra! Extra! Read all about it here!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Obamamania. . . . and the end of the Clinton Dynasty
I'll make it easy for you, here are a few links to some of the best articles describing the goings-on over on the "other" side:
It's Over!
Fainting for Obama
Obamamania Verges on Obssession
Hey folks! It's only February. . . . . . just wait until the campaigns really heat up!
Bring On The Potholes!
Read my lips: "No new taxes"!
A Shameless Plug
More shameless plugs later!
Will The Campaign Ever End?
(PS - Check out the date it was written - I wonder how his case of "election fatigue" is doing?)
Michigan Democrats ~ Would-Be Kingmakers?
Remember when Hillary Clinton's eventual nomination was a foregone conclusion? So what if the other candidates removed their names from Michigan's ballot - Michigan was just play-off game on the way to Hillary's appearance in the World Series of politics - the Presidential campaign. Hillary won Michigan's Democrat delegation because the other team(s) didn't bother to show up for the game. And no one really thought it mattered.
Oh, but it does matter now. Hillary is down one in a tight play-off series. Can Michigan delegates get her back in the game?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tick Tick Tick. . . . .
----- Original Message -----
From: VanWoerkom, Greg
To: VanWoerkom, Greg
Sent: Wed Feb 20 15:52:39 2008
Subject: Hoekstra: Day Four
February 20, 2008
Greg VanWoerkom, Deputy Press Secretary
(202) 225-4401 office
WASHINGTON, D.C. - On February 14, 2008, the Senate passed legislation to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by an overwhelming vote of 68-29. This bill provided a permanent fix to FISA that will allow U.S. intelligence agencies to monitor suspected foreign terrorists before a temporary fix, the Protect America Act, expired at midnight, February 16th.
However, House Nancy Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow the House to vote on this bill and instead adjourned the House for a 12-day vacation on February 15th. Andrew McCarthy noted the folly of the decision of the House to leave town with such urgent legislation pending in a February 15th National Review online article:
"Democrats evidently had no time for national security, having exhausted themselves on such cosmic matters as a baseball pitcher’s alleged steroid use and unenforceable, unconstitutional contempt citations in a stale investigation into something that wasn’t a crime and that no one but cares about any longer."
The U.S. became more vulnerable to terrorism when the Protect America Act expired since our intelligence agencies became less capable of tracking terrorists. The more time goes by, the more vulnerable we become. How long will the House Democrat leadership place our national security at risk?
The Power to Tax. . . . . and the Power to Destroy
If you believe in slippery slopes, as I do, then I'm afraid we have been sliding down one and are nearing a dangerous precipice.
America's Worst Presidents
What A Difference A Party Makes!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
That's Saul Folks!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Fight Night with the Super Delegates
But, don't feel too sorry for Hillary yet. If her "count every vote" ploy doesn't work she'll just have another trick up her sleeve - the Super Delegates. It looks like the so-called Super Delegates will have the power (and inclination) to give the nomination to Hillary even if she loses.
I say let them have at it. The more the Democrats tear into each other the better off our party will be. Ding Ding Ding! Ladies and Gentlemen, in this corner. . . . . . .
Oh what a fight night it will be!
Read a little more here!
Just a Spoonful of Sugar. . . . .
Loyalty to your personal pick is a wonderful thing. . . . . until that candidate is no longer a viable candidate. Either Barak or Hillary can be beaten, but only if we gather around our nominee and embrace his candidacy. Go ahead and take a little time to mourn for failed candidacy of your favorite. If you candidate is still in the race (and yes, I'm talking to you Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul fans out there), encourage your candidate to step down now for the sake of party unity.
If John McCain isn't "conservative" enough for you (and he isn't for a lot of people) then send him a letter, sign an on-line petition, or encourage Senator McCain to support your preference for Vice-President. This is not the time to dig in your heels or bury your head in the sand. Your party needs you now.
More here. . . . . .
Friday, February 15, 2008
Hoekstra to Shadegg: Please Don't Go!
Great letter Pete!
You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!
Okay - I realize West Michigan isn't exactly a suburb of Detroit, but this is just too interesting to pass up.
Betty Boop and the Early Ages of Class Warfare
Check out this newly discovered but old Betty Boop cartoon from 1932. . . . . I guess it really is true. The more things change the more they stay the same. Even class warfare.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Julian Bond to DNC: Seat Michigan's Delegates
Unfortunately, our reasons couldn't be further apart. Disenfranchisement of minority voters? Please. . . . . . . are minority voters being more disenfranchised than others? I don't think so.
Gambling on Muskegon
There are clearly economic benefits to the City of Muskegon. Are they worth it?
Read more here and let us know how you feel.
Obama's Spend-O-Meter
Anyone want to take a guess where Obama plans to get all this money? Hang on to your wallets and pocketbooks. . . . .
Take a peek (if you dare) at Obama's spend-o-meter here. . . .
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
S'more Hot Picks
It seems to me that instead of wasting time speculating about what could have been or perhaps should have been is unproductive. Our time and energy is much better spent promoting our candidate. . . . . . . and that's much easier to do when we know who he's taking to the prom.
Let's stop looking back and start looking forward. We can (and must) shape the future - but it'll be easier if we know whose hands we're entrusting our future to.
Another link to another speculative and analytical Veep article!
24 Hot Picks
This isn't exactly science here folks. . . . . . so what does a Presidential nominee look for in his choice of running mate? Some say location is everything. . . . . and conventional wisdom holds that you need a candidate from the south. How about business experience? Or youth? Or gender? Or ethnicity? Or. . . . . . oh well, you get the gist of this.
Here's one guy's take on the 24 "Hot Picks" for VEEP!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Long March for Conservatives
The Long March Begins For Conservatives
Rick Moran
Very interesting. . . . . . read more here
A "Mulligan" for Michigan?
There is no "do over" in political campaigns. And there shouldn't be. All of the players knew the rules of the game before it began. If some players don't like the outcome they need to suck it up and play better next time. The voters did their part - even if their "scorecard" was imperfect. Now it's time for the pros to deal with the final score.
For more information read this.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Relying on False Prosperity?
Is prosperity in Michigan's past? Will it come back? No one can polish the crystal ball and gaze into the future, but studies make it increasingly clear that education is the key to a vibrant economy. And we are not talking about a high school diploma here folks.
In the Grand Rapids/Holland area, 24.3% of adults have attained a bachelor's degree. That is simply not good enough. Michigan's rate if 24.5% - or .2% higher than West Michigan.
I don't know what the answer to this problem is, but I'm fairly certain that throwing more money into education isn't going to be a significant help. I'd also like to know how many local students obtain bachelor's degrees and then move out of the state?
In other words, is this an education problem? Or a job availability problem? By spending more and more money on education are we just educating future workers for the rest of the 49 states?
Makes you wonder doesn't it?
More statistics available here. . . . .
Those Who Will Fight
I read this article this week-end. We need to think about our freedom and those who defend our freedom more often - not just on The Fourth of July and Veteran's Day. Comments anyone?
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Bringing Back Michigan's Jobs
Congressman Tim Walberg, in an interview with discusses Michigan's job(less) situation here.