Monday, February 18, 2008

Just a Spoonful of Sugar. . . . .

It's the Monday morning after Michigan's Republican State Convention. . . . . and I'm concerned. It's time to face reality - Senator McCain is going to be our party's Presidential nominee for 2008 and if our grassroots activists don't hop on the bandwagon it's going to be a long uphill climb.

Loyalty to your personal pick is a wonderful thing. . . . . until that candidate is no longer a viable candidate. Either Barak or Hillary can be beaten, but only if we gather around our nominee and embrace his candidacy. Go ahead and take a little time to mourn for failed candidacy of your favorite. If you candidate is still in the race (and yes, I'm talking to you Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul fans out there), encourage your candidate to step down now for the sake of party unity.

If John McCain isn't "conservative" enough for you (and he isn't for a lot of people) then send him a letter, sign an on-line petition, or encourage Senator McCain to support your preference for Vice-President. This is not the time to dig in your heels or bury your head in the sand. Your party needs you now.

More here. . . . . .

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