Sunday, March 16, 2008

Obama's Inconvenient Truth

There is an inconvenient truth about Senator Obama's proposed spend-and-tax proposals that his naive supporters need to face. No matter how you parse the numbers taxes will have to be raised on a whole lot of taxpayers - and we're not just talking about the uber-wealthy here. At the very least, taxes will have to be raised on everyone earning over $31,000 AGI (adjusted gross income) per year. I don't think too many folks think an annual income of $31,000 puts that taxpayer in the ranks of the wealthy.

Americans, and particularly Obama supporters, need to face the fact that America can not tax itself into prosperity for all. Nor should we. America is the land of opportunity. All Americans have the freedom to take advantage of education, work hard and strive for the American dream. That's it. No guarantee of actually achieving it. Especially through the taking of hard-earned money from those who have earned it.

There's more here. . . . .

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