Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sound the Alarm. . . Oops I Mean Doorbells!

The city of Laurel, Mississippi has requested their fair share of the federal stimulus package. They've included lots of "shovel ready" projects (I hope they ban the words "shovel ready" - I'm sick of hearing it already). Laurel has a population of roughly 48,000 people and they've proposed $61,443,369 in stimulus spending.

Most of the money is for infrastructure, updating schools, security officers at each school, sewer, heating (they didn't specify exactly what they want to heat, but how cold does it get in Mississippi?) and a mass transit system. Wow, that's a lot of projects and a lot of money.

Laurel has also requested $99,600 for doorbells. What? Doorbells? Can't people just knock? Or holler "Hey y'all. Are you home?"

Their justification? It will provide two jobs - temporary of course.

I hear bells ringing too. Only they're in my head while I contemplate the silliness that our government has sunk too.

I guess the patients are truly in charge of the asylum.

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